in fact there is a program called kids night out where a person that specializes in childcare can actually go to the parks with you and help you out. it can get very pricey is a direct link to all of the childcare options disney world offers including the one i mentioned above:��
Disney offers babysitting services, but they are at the hotel only... like if mom and dad wanted a romantic dinner alone kind of thing. The children have to be at least 4 yrs old and potty trained.There is something called Kids Night Out Caregivers. They will accompany you to the parks, but beware that for 3 kids it will cost you approximately $19/per hour. You can call 1-800-696-8105 (press 0 for reservations).*~*~*~*Have you really asked everyone you can think of to join you? I can t believe that a trusted friend, co-worked or family member wouldn t want to accompany you to Disney World... Maybe you can offer to pay for their tickets?*~*~*~*I am a big fan of Disney, and don t think there is a single age that is too young for Disney, but if you haven t even checked in yet and are already feeling frazzled maybe you should push the trip back a few years. Disney World isn t going anywhere, and at least your kids will be a little older and a little more self-sufficient.
I have not heard of a sitter that comes to the park with you. The WDW resorts have kids clubs that they can stay at-play and eat. We did this for our 6 year old when we wanted a dinner to our self. She loved it. We were at the Polynesian. WDW resorts have babysitters you can hire to stay in the room with the child. these options are not cheap.