I must agree with Fester and Shore. When I was in Switzerland, like Fester, I saw Swiss flags EVERYWHERE. When I was in Ireland, their flag was being flown in front of more houses that I see US flags fling in fron of houses here. In fact, when I visit other countries, like Shore, I am surprised at how few I see in the US compared to other countries. It seems that any kind of pride in the US is looked at (as noted above) as some kind of racism, especially in cities. I find that quite sad and a serious indication of the loss of a natioanl identity that will cause large problems in the US going forward.
I just got back from Europe (Germany, Austria, Czeck Republic, Hungary, and Netherlands - whew! ) and yes I saw lots and lots of flags, so I m not sure what you re talking about. And how is flying the American flag racist? You ve got too much Obama in your head child. Just remember, living in America give you the privilage of critizing America, got to some other places in the world and try it...write to me from prison and tell me how it went.
I don t know where the idea that every American has a flag started. Because it s complete bunk.When I leave this country, I m surprised that I see so many national flags. Because there are a lot more outside the US then there is here.
no. but i do know that in some countries, national flags are mainly used by racists as they are in america. nationalism and patriotism are bad things. it took me time to realise that.
We see them in Italy and Holland, mostly on national holidays, but some folks fly them more often.I don t fear the people who fly them, though. In America, I do.
I was in Switzerland last year, the Swiss flag was flying everywhere.
In Canada they have more flags then we do.In other places, no.