Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New in california need apartment for rent ? -

hi , i just arrived to the US in california , i want to find apartment for rent , i preffer to be with roomate cuz i hate to live alone ,how can i find apartmentsor homes ? is there offices specialized for that or just search the internet ? plz help

Check the Newspaper classified ads.Check around all newstands as they sometimes have small newspapers with listings too.Im sure there are brokers too, but they probably get a fee.Find the area you d like to live in and look for RENT signs. Living alone usually isnt do-able anyway, rents are so high in CA.They have ridiculously high property taxes, is one reason. Its best to find a place close to work, yet still somewhat safe, so your drive to work is reasonable. If you dont have a job yet, it could be a long time til you find one, due to all the dont go too overboard with your apt costs.

www.craigslist.orgJust don t rent from someone without seeing them in person.