Sunday, February 19, 2012

Missed Tolls in Oklahoma (Travelling from IL to TX)? -

Hi,I was travelling from IL to TX a few days ago and missed what I believe were 2 tolls in OK.The first one I didn t have change, I went into the cash lane, but it said No attendant on duty right now, pay the coin machine . Is it my fault if there was no attendant and I didn t have exact cash, and obviously didn t have the state s autopass equivalent because im not from the state? They should have put up a no attendant sign that was visible before I entered the toll lane. I had to just go through, and it made some loud siren sounds. Its not my fault, but im willing to pay it anyway. Will they just mail me?I also believe I went through a toll plaza without knowing it was a toll plaza, so theres likely a missed toll there too (also in OK)Cheers

yes you will get a bill in the mail it will be 4 times the toll so if the toll is 5 dollars it will be 20 dollars good luck

You should call the Oklahoma Transportation Authority and tell them the situation, and ask how you can take care of it. If you don t, when you get in the mail will likely be two $90 fines for failure to pay the toll.Liberty: It s quite conceivable to miss paying twice, since that itinerary would take the questioner through at least two turnpikes (the Will Rogers and the Turner), and maybe a third (the Creek).

oopsie...would depend if they are high tech enough to have a camera which takes photo of your license plate. If so, you can expect a bill in the mail, but if are off the hook.I had a rental car from O Hare to Naperville last year...accidentally missed a a bill in the mail...never paid it, never heard anything more about it either!

Since Oklohoma is a turnpike toll system (you only pay when you leave the tollway), I am not sure how you missed paying twice.