For a 15 year old I think you posed a very well worded question here.Pros:Varied climates and topography:I currently live in the Arizona desert, but I only have a short drive to Southern California to enjoy the ocean and the cooler temperatures during the hot summer months.In the U.S. the topography is so varied. Given the mountains, deserts, plains and coastal regions the weather can be generally suited to whatever your particular taste is.There are areas in the more northern latitudes that have tremendous amounts of snowfall each winter. While at the same time people in Florida and California are surfing.Culture:Since America is a country based on immigrants there are pockets of unique, as well as blended cultures. Louisiana maintains a strong French influence, while California is steeped in Spanish and Mexican influence. The northern states see higher Canadian influences.Within the major cities like New York and Los Angeles there are sub-sections of Chinese, Korean, Italian, Vietnamese and other immigrant congregations. So whatever food strikes your fancy you can find it and eat your fill.Politics:We have basically a two party system with other parties allowed to join in if they can raise the funds to allow their voices to be heard. With only two major parties operating the political climate is relatively stable year after year which is good. Obama stood for change, but nothing has really changed. Our problems are economically related not really political.Cons:Public education seems lacking. We seem to turnout average students for the most part. That s not to say occasionally a Bill Gates doesn t pop out of the mold.We do have gangs in the urban areas, but they are not shooting it out on the streets everyday like the movies portray. It s more like one drug dealer kills another drug dealer.The economic setting for jobs is lacking, but that could be true for the Westernized world as a whole.Overall there is a lot to do here. A lot of places to see that are so different from each other. The people are generally nice and obey the laws. Like anywhere in the world you will find groups of people that are not good. Those you just avoid.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Pros/cons of living in america? -
im 15 and live in britian, and i really really want to move to New York or just america in general.there seems to be much more to do there and it has more life to it. am i right?what are the pros and cons of living in america?please dont mention healthcare because i here that all the time.