Saturday, November 26, 2011

Do i need a passport to travel to maine ? -

i live in nova scotia, canada and i am traveling to maine in a week (DRIVING) ,do i need a passport and i am only 13 years of age.

You only need a birth certificate. Americans and Canadians below an age of 16 can cross the land/sea border without a passport; this has been changed to below sixteen years since June 2009 when it became mandatory for adults [16 and above] to have a passport or passport replacing document [Passport Card, Enhanced ID/DL, etc.] to cross the land border.�� ..�� ..

yes. anyone crossing the US/Canadian border by air, land and sea needs a passport or equivalent travel document. Besides an up-to-date passport, visitors may instead have an equivalent travel document, such as a NEXUS Card.

You are not a citizen of the US and Maine is part of the US. So, you need travel documents to visit because you are a Canadian. Consult the American Embassy or your Foreign Affairs Office.

No you most certainly do not... if you are under the age of 16 I am pretty sure all you need is your birth certificate... these people need to do their research before they answer lol

Yes, as it is an American state!