Monday, November 21, 2011

Can I Go To The America (USA) With A Criminal Record? -

Ok, Im 15 And Have Been Arrested For Common Assault And Criminal Damage Several Times Each, I Have Finished Any Court Order And If I Dont Re-offend Untill Im 21 Will I Be Able To Not Only Visit But Live In America. Its Been My Dream For Since I Can Remember And Dont Mind Going To Court To Get There. I Want To Be An Game Designer Or Join The Army So I Will Have A Lot Of Qualifications. Oh Yeah And I Live In The UK. Thanks

It s been your dream to come to America? Why?... and it s hard to get a working visa for America as it is.

i had a record for shoplifting and had to get a Visa just to go on holiday there. I don t think it s impossible to get a permanent visa with a record but your chances are v. low, esp as your record is for assault. They have so many people apply that they have to be selective and any reason not to accept you they will use.

Yes, but you will have to declare it on your Visa application. they tend to overlook crimes committed by a minor. Once they are not too serious.

Stay where you are.

we really really don t want you here