Liliu was a name given to the queen at birth. Liliuokalani is a name that her brother Kalakaua pretty much gave her when he was king. It basically means Liliu of the Heavens , or Liliu the Royal One . The princess herself said Liluokalani was no name at all. Her friends and American husband, I gather, usually called her Lydia. Kinau, half-sister of King Kamehameha III was given the privilege of naming the new baby of chiefly rank, since a granddaughter of Kamehameha I would be raising the new baby as a hanai (adopted) daughter. This was done for political reasons among the ali i. Anyway, Kinau had an eye infection or irritation of some sort that had been going on for days, and nothing seemed to be working. Names were given in accordance to important things going on, so Kinau named the new baby Liliu (smarting) Loloku (tearful) Walania (burning pain) Kamakaeha (the sore eye). So you could say that Liliu means smarting or irritated.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Does liliu have a meaning? -
ufc fighter bj penn named his daughter aeva lili guessing she was named after queen lili uokalani but i was wondering if lili u meant anything in the hawaiian language