Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is the dancing at strip clubs in vegas dirty? -

I want to know if the girls are dirty in vegas strip clubs and what kind of money they are currently making.

I don t think of sexuality and eroticism as being dirty at all. Each dancer gets to set her own rules. Some are strictly hands off, no touching; and they make the least money UNLESS the entire club strictly enforces a no touching policy. A more relaxed dancer in a more relaxed club can make around $200 to $400 per hour fairly easily when there are a lot of customers. Personality figures into it a lot too. You pretty much have to pretend to like everyone and be able to make useless chit chat for hours and smile a lot.

What happens in Vegas . . . Stays in Vegas.

say helo and maybe works for you

Same as any other place.

Yes and so are the foul men.