Monday, March 7, 2011

Is there ANY way to get to the Rosemont Theater (chicago) by public transportation? -

I live close to Midway, which is the orange line.Is there an easy way to get to the rosemont theater by train and/or bus?thanks!

If I could walk it at -3 degrees one January, you can do it too! It wasn t that far. Now for the Allstate you need a cab, but Rosemont was easy.Just get out at the Rosemont station on the Blue Line, which is the end of the line. Go south 3 blocks.Rosemont Blue Line-5701 N River RdRosemont Theater-5400 N River Rd

Tichur is absolutely correct with his directions, just hop on the train and get off at clark and transfer to the blue line which is underground take the blue line to O Hare which is on the right-hand side when you re going down. Get off at rosemont and walk down Des Plaines River rd to the theater. The site that Tichur gave is a great site, and you can also use google maps

Yes, but you will have a 6 block walk:take the orange line to Clark/Lake transfer to the blue line northboundexit at the Rosemoont CTA stationwalk 0.7 miles south to the theater

orange line to blue line transfer, believe it is the Thompson center. there may be a bus but i don t recall and it s a 6-7 blk walk