Monday, February 21, 2011

Best place in California for 20 year old female? -

I m a 20 year old girl, training to be a firefighter in Virginia. I need a change, to get away from family and friends for a while and I ve been thinking about California. My question is what part would be best for me? I m young and single, so obviously the safer the better, but it s not like I m expecting not to have to lock my door at night. I want to be close to the beach as well. I was born in Orange County so I was thinking about maybe moving back to that area... Any Suggestions?

You re from Orange County so you know the drill. By the beach and safe is very expensive. By the beach and normally safe is just expensive. Away from the beach and safe is cheaper. Away from the beach and normally safe is a little more cheaper. Away from the beach and not safe is the cheapest by far.Are you going to work here? If so where? Any long commute in Southern California sucks. You are training to be a firefighter in Virginia, are you going back to finish your training, or do you intend to finish it in California? If so where? This all plays a big role in where you should live. Before you even start the move you know you ll need a bankroll of at least $10 grand if not more. A one bedroom apartment near the beach and normally safe will approach $2000. Consider first and last months rent and that s 40% of your bankroll gone in one hour. Then you ve got to turn on the lights, gas and cable. If you can t find a job you will be broke in three months. City, County and State agencies are not hiring public servants. There is no money in the general fund to pay them. Do you have enough saved to move your furniture to California, or are you buying it when you get here? I personally would not do a move like this until I had a firm job and at least $20,000 in backup cash.Right now life may be a little disheartening for you in Virginia, but unless you are financially ready to make this move you should not do it.

I m a 20 year old male and i live in orange county currently. we should trade places i want a change and move to the south lol. but anyway...if want even a decent area it s going to cost you more than in virginia. i would recommend Huntington beach. it s a nice city with a lot of younger people and is not far from LA county. if you want in LA county, Long Beach is also a nice city with younger people and it s on the border between LA county and orange county. just make sure you stay away from the north/north-western portion of that city(ghetto).

Ashley, I would do one of 2 things to start:1. Apply at the Beverly Hills police department (check their web site) or2. If you want to see a lot of real action apply with the LA County Fire Department which is one of the biggest, best and most varied...ummmm, we have a ton of big brush fires here, it s hard work, so start working out at the I m not kidding....those 250 pound women are very difficult to drag out of buildings...but you know that already from your training, I would guess, ---LOL

Just like the fellow (sad face) in the first answer, but in my bedroom would be better and then you can put on a happy face in the morning, just like my logo at the left.

The best place is with me, darling.

A Pit bull ? Right now is not the best time to think about moving to California. This is one of the MOST expensive states to live in especially when your a little tight for money. Even a small studio apartment runs in the $1100-$1200 a month range. You would probably find every thing you need or use costs about 50% more than it does in Virginia. It also has one of the worst rates of unemployment in the country. Jobs are practically non existent. Those two factors would make living here an extreme hardship for someone your age, and with your work history. Actually living here is nothing like you see portrayed on those stupid MTV television programs. If you re looking for somewhere warmer consider Florida, or the Gulf coast.