Sure,Check your lease and make sure you are allowed to sublet. If so, post an ad on Craigslist advertising the place for a one month sublet. It shouldn t be a problem finding someone. Try subletting it for the price of rent for the month plus a one month security (for if they trash the place). With the furniture, you may offer it to whoever is going to sublet the place. You could always leave it there, but then you d more than likely not get your deposit back. Or, start selling the stuff on Craigslist now.Another option: At the end of the month, put up a Craigslist ad for free furniture. People will come by and take it all, I m sure.I ve sublet my place before while going on trips. It saves you a ton of money.Good luck!
Friday, January 7, 2011
New York City apartment question? -
Okay, so this is the first year I have rented an apartment in the city, and my last. The only thing is, is that my lease is until the end of June, and I want to go and take a trip by at least the beginning of June. My rent is expensive, so I don t want to lose a whole month. Also my apartment is furnished, and I don t particularly want any of the furniture I have now (its all second hand stuff), and would prefer just to leave it.My question, what is the most practical thing for me today do come May? Should I post something on Craig s list where I advertise a furnished apartment with a 13 month lease (where they would just sublet from me and then take over my lease come the end of June), so I don t have to deal with my furniture? I should I try to get someone to sublet it for a month and have them ditch the furniture after? I think about this all the time and am so stressed about how I am going to get out of here to take a trip, but not lose a whole month worth of rent doing it. Anybody with any kind of NYC apt experience have any advice?