Sell all the big stuff. Buy off of or when you get to CA.PODS run about $2,500 so they are NOT cheap.U-haul trucks are not exactly a bargain but probably would be economical as compared to using a mover or getting a PODS to move your stuff. They are in the range of $1,500 one way and a lot depends on the size truck you need. If your vehicle can tow you might consider a small trailer as for the stuff you don t sell and want to haul that would be the most economical.Good luck.
It does not seem you have that much furniture and belongings to move. Moving companies are very expensive especially when it s such a long way from OH to the west coast. It is better to lease a moving truck from U-Haul or Penske or Budget and move and drive your own stuff. Better still, you could sell all your furniture locally and get all new (used) furniture for your new home. You can then put the boxes and stuff in your car(s) and drive down there. Any extra clothes can be sent down there by Greyhound, it s cheaper this way.
Using a U-Haul truck won t be inexpensive, either. You pay by the mile, in addition to the daily charge for the truck. The option of selling everything and just moving clothes and personal items makes sense.
I ll agree with the idea of selling what you can before the move, then shop around for rental trucks. Sometimes, you may be able to get special deals.
No brainer: Call PODS...866-229-4120