Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Persian/ Arminian Las Vegas Concert.? -

So this is going be to my first concert im 15 btw. and its only for two nights, im going on the first night when Omid and Shahram are singing. But I was Wondering what to wear, well im persian to the max and i have an entire persian wardrobe but i just dont know how to present and do you dance at persian concerts? or just sing to the music? Its going to be held At the Mandalay Bay. From the 24-27 of December 2009. They do this every year and i just want to hear some responses from people who have already gone. Ty alot. :) here is a commercial i found for it. ITs only in farsi so only me and my fellow persian will understand it. :) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-Ha0Ou1NRw.Ty.

Of course you can dance to the folk/pop music concert...btw it is ArmEnian (not armimian)