Greetings Bliss, New Castle has the highest per capita $$$ in the state, it s real easy to spend 1,000,000 for a home. The up side to that is there tax rate is very low. They are next to Portsmouth as well as retail mecca Kittery Maine (known for outlet stores). Rye is south of Portsmouth and is also a desirable town to live in . Shopping in Portsmouth, as well as close to Kittery Maine. Hampton Falls is also an upscale traditional New England town, not much in there commercial district but just north of Seabrook NH which over the last 10 years has a huge commercial area. They have just about every big box store you can think of. They are all nice places to live.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What is the best city to live at in New Hampshire? -
Which is the best place to live at in New Hampshire?New Castle, Rye, or Hampton Falls?also which town and city have the best shopping places there?Thank you. =)