Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why does it seem like everyone hates New Jersey? -

Over the years, growing up as a Jersey girl I ve noticed everyone hates us. It s mainly the Staten Island guidos, but whenever I go out of state and tell people I m from NJ I get weird looks. A majority of NJ isn t full of guidos (most of them are the bennies who come spend a few weeks here for the summer and dirty up our beaches) and only a small portion of it is industrial (most is filled with farmland and suburbs, actually!)And now that MTV is putting out that stupid show about the Real Jersey Shore I ve seen the hatred and animosity even more. People dislike our state because of the people who vacation here! I ve lived in central Jersey my whole life and I don t personally know anyone who is orange with the spiked hair or fake boobs...So what gives?! Where did this deep Jersey-hatred start and why are we so looked down upon?

I think for most people, New Jersey is an abstract place- not particularly known for tourism, not a real bastion of liberalism or conservatism, no major sports team, etc. In the absence of real information about the state, people turn to what they hear about it from others/the media, i.e. it has a bunch of factories and New Yorkers make fun of it a lot. My perception of people from New Jersey (New Jersians?) is that they are people who wanted the benefits of New York city combined with the benefits of suburbia- and for some odd reason, that makes me think of the Mob.Most of the other states stand out for some reason: Florida in the 2000 election (and old people), California for being liberal, Utah for LDS, etc. Anyway, at least you re not known for having elected Sarah Palin as governor.

The truth of the matter is that New Jersey is one of the most beautiful states in the northeast. A few toxic waste sites, but, hey what state doesn t! It s the people that are the problem! They are perceived to be loud, obnoxious, egotistical jerks. But hey, what state doesn t have those too! So I guess it s an image problem that will take some really in depth advertising to overcome!

I m from jersey too good thing were not from W.V. take it with a grain of salt their jealous because all their meds come from here and we have the best tasting tomatoes in the world and we have the best off shore fishing and hold the world record striper fish. and if any given day you look at car tags a lot are from out of state enjoying our state ..

i know, i live near the jets training place and when brett favre came, they took pictures of my town and put it on espn, and they thought it was montana. plus, its because north jersey is overshadowed by nyc. central by philly and lower by nothing, kind of.

cuz only the strongest survive here