Sunday, June 14, 2009

Im planning to move to florida by spring and Im visiting in January. What should I do to plan the move? -

I m wondering what to bring and research before I go down there. I currently work as an esthetician (skin care) and I m going to try to find a spa job. Should I bring my resume and go door to door? Or, because it won t be until spring do I just wait?? please help. I don t know what to do to plan!!!

I would determine which locations are safe from crime and which are not safe. You can do that on the web. Then, I would get the address and phone of every spa in the areas that are ok with you. To eliminate any shady backroom spas, call them with your cell (no charge) and ask them a couple of planned questions, such as, how long they ve been there, prices, hours, or something like that (leave it up to you to know how to discreetly eliminate the bad ones). Then I would mark the good ones on a road map so you ll be able to plan your route and get use to the layout of the area. If you ve already planned for a place to stay in January, great. If not, you should probably get that done now. I would briefly visit the spas in January, say hi to the managers, mention that you hope to be available in the Spring, looking forward to some miserably hot and wet summers in Florida (a Florida joke to loosen things up, y know?) and give them your resume so they ll know what you re all about. You never know, in January you may run across some places that would love to see you in the Spring. The backup plan is to come down in the Spring and hit them hard.In the meantime, take it easy, don t fret, and enjoy the holidays. See ya when you get here....I need skin help!

pull your head out of your butt to start, to plan the move you will need oi think for your selff and not ask stupid questoins