Yes, the other person said it right (the one not saying no). You can take amtrak or the bus- greyhound if you want cheaper. Your looking at 33 each way as mentioned, 3.5 hours each way.Adding to what you said, getting around the dells- its a 2.5 miles hike, so walking is out. Your best bet is to call the hotel directly- they should have a shuttle bus for that distance, otherwise, a cab is the only other way- which shouldn t be incredible expensive especially if your sharing cost. 800-867-wild is the number for the hotel.
AMTRAK will get you there on the Empire Builder. It leaves union Station at 2:15 PM and arrives at the Dells at 5:52 PM...from $33.00. Go to the following site and add the date...Chicago = CHI, WI Dells = WDL: is a variety of buses and a bus from Milwaukee that connects with other AMTRAK trains...the Hiawatha travels to/from Milw and chgo 7 times daily. See below for names of bus lines:��I could not find a public bus system but there are 3 taxi companies. Scroll down for reviews:��I would call the hotel and ask for advice.
No, there is no train that will get you to the Dells.