If neither one has legal custody, I would think so. You might want to ask in the Law section.
The legal custody is the mothers. Ask the mother if she has any objections to the children going away with the father for some quality time. If she says no, then have a blast. If she refuses then you may have to pursue some legal counsel. If she agrees to the children going out of state for vacation, then he will need a notarized note from the birth mother that gives him the right to take on vacation and if anything should happen (accidents) then he is allowed to authorize consent to treat. Hope it all works out for you all.
Actually, no. If they were never married then the mother has full legal custody of the children, the father has no legal rights at all at this point. The father has to seek legal counsel and take a paternity test if he wants any legal rights at all. At least that s the way it is in my state.It MAY be a different story if the mother and father are on good terms; she could ALLOW him to take the children to Orlando, but I m not sure what would happen if he got pulled over or something.