Friday, December 26, 2008

What is an Americans view on Canada? -

Just curious....I always see very distinct Canadian views of Americans, but what is an Americans opinion of Canada? Please tell me what led you to your opinions, such as you visited, or you heard about etc.

I think of Canada as cold since it is up north. I have noticed that their language appersrs to be French from what I have heard. I have also heard some men from the USA went there to avoid the draft. And that they have cheaper perscription drugs there. One more thing I have read a lot of information on the net that they have a lot of house churches there. Tell me is this all true.

Most Americans don t think of Canada. Unlike Canadians who tend to live near the US border, most Americans tend to live closer to Mexico than Canada.I ve been to Canada several times. However, I think Canada is very expensive with a ridiculously high sales tax on top of it. And Canadians are slightly hostile towards us once they find out where Americans. I don t go to Canada nearly as often as I used to.

Well... I think of it as frozen and over hyped... I kinda see it as a cute little place that calls itself a country... honestly... my boyfriend calls Canadians draft dodgers because a lot of people did do that... I can see Canadians as sissies and laugh when a Canadian tries to be a hard @$$... but... with all that being said... my first love was Canadian and he was a really awesome (although somewhat sheltered) guy :)

They think of Canada as the 51st state. But really, Americans don t like to be bested by Canadians in any way, shape or form. That includes anything from products, ideas, works of art, pretty much anything.

I m Canadian and I love USA.

Y all play a lot of hockey. That s about all you do.

Nice place to visit, but too cold to live there! :)

umm no problem with em seems kinda like a mini america up there

We hate your bacons, it s just hams.