Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What colors are actually safe to wear in Los Angeles? -

What colors are gang-neutral or not gang affiliated?

you wont go wrong wearing lavender and puce ... cept you might get picked up by one of them gay fellers if you re a guy

Well actually mostly all colors are gang related.Red Shirt - BloodsBlue Shirt - CripsGreen Shirt - CobrasYellow Shirt - Latin KingsRed and Black Shirt - JuggalosAlso Red Shirt - NorthsidePurple - SouthsideBut maybe like a white shirt but dont have like those colors above with a white shirt. Also maybe a pink shirt if you like pink. Purple you might be able to wear. Black is ok i guess but idk.

Wear whatever you want . This gang garbage is an urban legend. Sure if you look like a gangster with the other affiliations like being in a gang neighborhood, flashing gang signs, hanging with other gang members, something could happen. Other than that you are just a simple tourist.It isn t like a blue scarf automatically paints a Bullseye on your back. Get real.These gang types are high schoolers who never grew up. My turf!! King of the Hill!!! Whoa, it gets really old. Sherrif Joe is coming to LA. Be careful.

well i live in LA area and i never really have any problems about what i wear, i actually don t think about it =/ i just wear whatever, although i never wear plain teeshirts they always have a design or graphic or somthin so idk if that efffects it

dont wear solid colors!!! watch these........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzFviJFEaZ0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5mwWPyuBIc feature=PlayList p=2168E931E3805CAD playnext=1 playnext_from

uhh they sell shirts n hats now that are half blue and half red lol i kno green is a gang color gold i belive is gang colors also thats actually a good question if u really live in the hood or ware u really need to know im sure you would

If you wearing a Wizard of Oz shirt and ruby slippers, you be safe.http://www.break.com/usercontent/2009/3/��

gold/blackred/blackummmm purple s okaaay....WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. IF YOU DON T LOOK LIKE TRASH AND DON T HO STROLL AROUND THE GHETTOS THEN IT WON T BE AN ISSUEand don t make gang signs with your hands either.... god

You should wear a clear shirt. It is the only color not taken by gangs who live in housing projects you will never go to anyway.

Anything but red or blue. They are the crypts and the bloods colors. Also nothing that has the Raiders on it.

Don t wear solid colors in general.Wear tye-dye!I m pretty sure chartreuse is gang-neutral.



See, this is just one more reason why I like Pink.....