Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is Lennox,California safe? -

It s not adjacent to bad areas, it is a bad area. You re the last neighborhood directly under the flight path of LAX. Home to the Lennox 13 gang. I wouldn t move there.

I used to have a girlfriend that lived there... It s right next to the airport.. and we use to have a thing called the Lennex Lag... so what ( 747 PASSES OVER ) 20 seconds later did you do today?it was ok, or at least I never had any problems.. Mostly Latinos, And they probably though I was one baddA$$ white dude to live there. The only incident was two guys were outside our bedroom window arguing.. and I went outside and told them to Shut it like now! .. I guess the 3 foot pipe convinced them that i wasnt the person they wanted to mess with that night! lo siento, senor and they left.

All areas are safe until something bad happens.If you don t have to live in Lennox, and if you do not have business there, then you may want to avoid it.I would not live there.

It s adjacent to some iffy neighborhoods.

Rather than discussing the realtive safety of each neighborhood in LA, you can find out all of them at

Hell no.Do you know where it is?

For what?