I have the perfect answer for you. Go to www.Uship.com and post your request for a driver to transport your guinea pigs and people will bid on the job like Ebay. It will explain how you do that. You can also look up drivers who transport animals and who are going that way on compatible dates. Your listing will include details about the route and how much you are willing to pay. It is a reliable way to get the right person because each driver has information and feedback about themselves like Ebay. It is legitimate. I have move furniture across states that way.
My best suggestion would be to use a company called Pet Air. They ve been in business 33 years and serve your local airport. Your friend would just simply have to take you little guinea pigs to the Sacramento(SMF) airport. You can make a reservation online. I am really not sure what the rates are but here s a link to their website: http://www.flypets.com/default.asp Their phone number is: 816-471-3852Good luck!
If the cost to transport them is worthwhile for you then I would fly them for the fastest method of transportation. Kalita Air transports horses, maybe they will fly your guinea pigs.
wear a big coat and stick em in your pockets. Once you re on the plane, it doesn t matter if they squeak because it s so loud no one notices. There s plenty of ways you can sneak them in.
you could drive, or you could go to a vet and ask what to do. they have probably have the answers!! i reallllly hope it works (:
you can buy special little motorbikes now, but they would have to get a licence i expect
i ll take two tickets for the guinea pig express, please!hope this helps.
Hide em in your doop shoot.
call a local animal control shelter and get advice! they will know how to d othis