try craigslist for a good deal, if you really want to save money check out the shared apts section if you don t mind being someones roommate you can really save money, otherwise if you want your own place a studio will start at around $600 a month a bills included, but don t expect much in terms of a pleasant place. Morningside Heights is a fairly save neighborhood, just be care full and don t go down shady looking streets alone at night.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
How much is rent in New York City? -
I am considering applying to Bank Street College for grad school and am trying to figure out how much rent would be while attending. I believe Bank Street is located in the Morningside Heights section of Manhattan. I would prefer somewhere very close to public transportation and somewhere that is no more than a half hour commute from the school. A small studio is fine as long as it is not too dangerous or dirty. I am not familiar with the neighborhoods of New York so I wasn t even sure where to start looking. Thanks for your help!