Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Immigrants in texas.................? -

hihow do people in texas treat foreigners especially people who are not white and from other countries...are they friendly with immigrants and foreigners...

I would say that most people treat legal immigrants like everyone else. Most people have a big problem with the illegal immigrants, but of course you are going to have to racist people. For the most part, its ok...

ILLEGAL immigrant, most people don t like very much....But if you are choosing to immigrate to Houston from let s say France for example, your just part of the family. Houston is a very diverse city, not much racism or anything. People just don t like illegal immigrants.

oh my god, they are just SWARMING here. i live an hour north of Houston and we are kinda getting tired of them trashing up EVERYTHING. i mean everything. they are bringing drugs, gangs, fights, and i live in a relatively higher class neighborhood and they always come and dumpster dive, which makes us look bad. I have some mexican friends, but they are citizens, pay taxes, drive with insurance, and don t dress like they are some prostitute from mexico. just saying. my personal opinion. don t judge me.

Like someone else said, we are diverse. And unless you say go off and scream that you re an immigrant, no body will know or care. They don t know you weren t born here, and it s not their business anyways. Just don t mess with Texas though. :P (:

they must be because they still make it all the way to ohio!!!!