Well, I think cameras are a violation of your constitutional rights because the defendant has a right to face and cross examine the accuser ,,,,and how can you do that to a camera? Anyway, you were probably in Balcones Hts at the time and they will send the citation to the owner of the car regardless of who was driving (another constitutional violation). As far as the fine goes, it may vary somewhat but it/s usually about $150 or thereabouts. On the other hand, if you had already entered the intersection on a yellow, then it turned red while you were still in the intersection, that is NO VIOLATION because you still have the right of way untill you clear the intersection. You can only be cited for running a red light if it turns red prion to your car entering the intersection or crossing over the crosswalk.There should be a number on the citation to call for questions. Good Luck.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
How much is a ticket for running a red light in Baxar County, San Antonio? -
So I ran a red completely on accident, I misjudged a yellow light, on Babcock. There was a camera at the intersection but I don t know if it was a traffic cam or not so I am wondering how much a ticket is for running a red in Bexar if you are caught by a camera. Does it matter if you are caught on camera or a cop, is the fine still the same?