Saturday, February 10, 2007

What is a cheaper way to travel than greyhound? -

Im planning on leaving from knoxville TN to Phoenix AR here in a few months and I know about the whole plan 21 days in advance with greyhound but still it will be $200 dollars or at least in the area.. So does any one know of cheaper alternative buses or other modes of transit that might be cheaper?

Not really. The only other way would be to hitch hike and then you re not guaranteed to get there! Taking a bus isn t going to kill you. I would plan on spending some money along the way for food and sodas.

greyhound sucks. and that trip will take 48 to 72hours or more on greyhound. (greyhound is the cheepest way) but going bus. your boned if you wish to sleep. plus some places you have to watch for the crackheads who will try and steal you bet. Drive!!!!!!!! so you can stop when you want to. and it will be much much faster. but it will prob cost a bit more.

Ride a camel or a donkey.

What? Leaves from knoxville tn? Damn, who leaves from knoxville tn nowadays??

Don t think so. Wow - that sounds like the trip from Hell!! Good luck!