I love my city ............ Las Vegas a town with 24/7 fun 365 days a year while living away from the tourist areas in an average city. I love the summer sun and warmer (not heat to we lizzzzards) and the winters without snow. I can drive to California or Utah for anything Vegas does not have (vacation time)
Illinois is NOT the land of lincoln but..the land of corruption!It s flat,sports teams normally suck year to year.They taxed it so bad that companies left to go to any other state they could.The chicago convention (McCormic Place)center is BAAADDD,horribly corrupt with unions that 2 BIG-BIG name conventions are going elsewhere due to the..UNIONS,they have 3 guys do do the job of one yet 3 get paid for it plus the... added fee s after the convention is over that seem to crop up.It was all on tv a week ago.Most will go to Vegas now!Chicago will lose about 1 million in convention monies that those 2 are not coming there which is good.Folks in chicago should move out,yah..okay is is a nice looking town but after that...POOP.Taxed to death,why would anyone in their right frame of mind stay in that dumpwad city.Corruption,greed,hire your kid or a friend for a HUGE salary,kickbacks galore and so on.It s the #1 highest taxed state that s still...broke.And that also was on tv.Vegas is GREAT,weather to fit anyone s needs.MORE and BETTER things to do in the entire state and surrounding area s.The people seem wonderful.Vegas area is..relaxing,okay there is the strip traffic but that s nothing bad to me.Nevada,Arizona etc make ya feel better jut by the scenery alone!I d love to move there IF i could afford it but alas...illinois sucked me dry with no job,taxes and steals any true hope of real living.It ll such the life right out of you...stay away!Besides....you ll get the dreaded... loser written on your forehead from the state of sports losers!Vegas seems to give life,a gooood feeling,calming like.For $2500.00 in cash i m out of this sewer of a state so i can get to and live in Nevada or Arizona!Prefer..Nevada.YES folks,there are jobs out there BUT if you still want to make your old 75k salary and NOT willing to make less then i can t help ya on that.Ya have to be willing to take less for...a job that is if ya really want a job at all.Jobs are there just depends on what ya want to do for a living,casinos not really a good long term choice for a job,alot of turnover i m sure.Thank you for letting me vent some!I m sure some Illinois loving fool will chime in....lol.