Other than having enough money, when approving a visa to the US, the most important thing the embassy officer considers is if you would overstay your visa and became an illegal in the US. If you are going alone while your entire family remains in Singapore, your chances of getting approved are high because you have many good reasons to return after your holiday. In your case, showing documents that prove you are married and have kids, and that your husband is a professional will ease the minds of the embassy people.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I want to have a holiday to US? -
i am a full housewife here in singapore,my husband works here as a civil eng r,we live here with our 3kids,we are permanent resident here....i am planning to go for holiday in US,but i think US embassy asking for LETTER OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE,TAX CERTIFICATION ETC ETC..but i can provide a bank certificate to show that i have enough savings to my account,does US embassy allows housewife like me to have an holiday to their place?any idea what document will i need to provide to go there?travel agencies are not allowed now to process documents for visa,must apply in person to US embassy...thank u very much