Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What is your favorite American accent? -

This is for all my friends across the globe who wish to answer!1.) What American accent do you like best. 2.) Do you have a favorite state?3.) Where are you from? 4.) What is your accent? :D

1.) What American accent do you like best. Boston accent2.) Do you have a favorite state?Nope3.) Where are you from? Chicago area4.) What is your accent? Chicago accent..this is how my accent sounds:�� I also say da instead of the frequently.Example- I walked around da blahck ta-day.

1) Southern2) Florida3) Pennsylvania4) Idk. Northern accent I guess?

1. Southern (on guys that is a MAJOR turn-on; so hot!)2. No.3. Alabama/Florida (raised in both)4. Southern?

OMG =]1) new york!2) floria3) california4)umm...californian. we don t really have any special accents =[

1) Cajun / bayou2) Haven t been to enough to know3) Southern California4) Idk... normal? lol

i like the californian,new york and texas favourite state would be new york or california....and i come from Australia,Sydney.....also i have a Australian accent..

1) A slow Texan drawl.2) Alaska3) England4) South East accent linked below.NB Uberdude thats an interesting accent you got!

1.) New York2.) no3.) California4.) standard American accent

1. Georgia2. Montana3. Chicago originally4. Midwestern Illinois (northern)

1 new york accent2 oregon3 wisconsin4 wiscAAAAAnsin

Brooklyn AccentArizona MassachusettsHarvard Accent

Take it back to the teen chat room.