Friday, October 6, 2006

Visit first or just move there (NYC)? -

Ok, so I have not yet ever been to NYC in my life. And, I m planning on moving their soon. Should I visit there first before I move there or should I just go and move there?

You really shouldn t move anywhere without visiting first, and that s especially true for NYC, because the cost of living and other aspects of the lifestyle in NYC are different enough from other parts of the US that you really can t assume it will work for you. You might love it, but you should try it out before you commit.

I guess the big question is why are you moving here? Is something bringing you to NYC that is unavoidable, or do you just have this idea about NYC that you are trying to fulfill?If it s something that s going to happen no matter what, then just come. But if you just have a yen to move here, visit first! Look, I love it here. I couldn t live anywhere else.And many people feel as I do. But not everyone! Some people just hate it here. (And they are really unpleasant to be around, for most New Yorkers, let me tell you!) It s not like it looks in the movies. And it s not for everyone. You might be that kind of person who just fits in here. I was. I loved it the day I got here. But find out a bit more about it here first, if you can.

As the above poster mentioned, visit first unless you know you ll be living in NYC for sure - if that s the case, might as well save the money from the trip. I love it here (as do most), but it s definitely not for everyone. It can be pretty overwhelming if you re from a small town in a rural (or even suburban area). Hope this helps.

Definitely visit first. It is easier, less expensive and less traumatizing.

Try to visit it before going there. It helps a lot. Good luck!