Sunday, June 11, 2006

HELP ME im moving fom nowhere to somewhere? -

from new mexico to massachusetts.its gonna be freezing there. im moving on the 21, so middle of the school it gonna be hard? im going to oak middle school and am an 8th do i do i meet people the best way, i was thinking that since when i move the student will still be in school, i could watch them walk home and talk to them. what do you think?i would appreciate your help

Yeah, winters in Massachusetts aren t fun, bummer. Shame, I wouldn t mind living in NM. I don t know where Oak Middle School is, but the transition will be ok for most kids. You ll have friends in no time. Just talk to the kids in your classes about whatever. Yoi ll be fine

Yes, its going to be a lot colder than youre used to.As far as friends, just smile and be friendly.If you meet someone just casually in class, be sure to smile or say hi, when you run across themin the hallway. Dont try to push your way into their group right off. see where people reach out to you. Be happy. Its contagious. They will be as leary of you, and you are of them. Show them youre a friendly sort, but not bothersome. Have your own self confidence...and then that will attract people.