Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Should I move to LA????????????????????????????? -

Most people who ask this question are unprepared, unrealistic, with no money, no experience, no skills, (no visa), and no plan.If you are outside the United States, you will need a visa. The nice folks in the immigration forum can help you with that.Next, you need a plan: First item on the agenda is rent. A decent 1BR apartment in LA currently goes for $1200, give or take. Nicer areas and areas closer to the beach are much higher. Don t expect to move to Santa Monica and get an apartment on the beach for that much. Or Toluca Lake, or Beverly Hills.Next, you will need a car. Los Angeles is VERY spread out, and train service is extremely limited. If you don t have a car, you will have to take a bus, which takes 3 times longer to get anywhere than a car.All told, it generally takes about $3,000 per month to live here. If you don t have a job that pays that much or skills that can get you that kind of job, stay where you are. If you are unskilled and work for minimum wage (or for tips like bartending or waiting tables), you ll only make about $1200 per month.And speaking of jobs, they are rather hard to come by now. College grads seeking employment are having a very tough time of it right now, since the job market is flooded with experienced people who were laid off. Unemployment is over 12% right now. Not exactly the kind of job market you want to move into.Finally, you will need money. Landlords want first month s rent and a security deposit up front. You ll need money for food, transportation, utilities, etc. The consensus in this forum is that you need about $7500 to start out.So there s your plan. It s probably better to be stuck wherever you re at with friends and family, rather than suffer out here alone.

Wow, I don t know wheter to be flattered or angry. Obviously someone else has mastered the cut-and-paste.Everything there is true (since you plagiarized one of my answers), even your little ad-lib at the end. Best to be satisfied in all circumstances, rather than coming to LA because of a fantasy and becoming an item on the 6:00 news.My guess is that you re a disgruntled fan of mine. You went to a lot of trouble to create an account... is that the only reason? Like I said, I don t know whether to be flattered or angry. I ll get back to you on that.---------Hollywood Sharks are plagiarizing me too? That s it. I m calling my lawyer.

Congratulations ! You, almost word for word, plagiarized Obviousman s answer to those asking about moving to the Los Angeles. Shame on you for not giving him credit. In the literary world that is an unforgivable no, no .

you should add the disneyland thing to your column, everyone thinks disneyland is the center of the universe here in LA, it drives me nuts!

I agree with everything you wrote.

I see you ve been reading Obviousman s answers to this.Yes, that is all pretty accurate.

This exceeds the bounds of flattering immitation.....STOP THIEF.....You should at least give Obviousman some credit or a mention....even the Hollywood Sharks do that...