Thursday, March 16, 2006

Why is the state called New York? -

Why is it called new? Where did the york come from also?

New York was named by the British to honor the Duke of York and Albany, the brother of England s King Charles II, when New Amsterdam was taken from the Dutch in 1664. New York became the name of the state and the city.All the best ?

New York was original discovered by the Dutch called New Amsterdam, to distinguish it from the original Amsterdam. It was later turned over the the British which renamed the state New York after the Duke of York. They called it New York to help distinguish it from another town called York which also was named after the Duke of York. That town, by the way, is now Toronto.

New York City was originally New Amsterdam and apparently they stuck with the nomenclature when the Duke of York took over.New Amsterdam was part of the larger area of land called New Netherland. There you go.

Because there already was a York. It s an old English city.The state and the city were named for the future King James II who at the time was the Duke of York.

It was named New York because the British Duke of York purchased ithe named it, no one else named it in his memorial