Yes, if they have your card details you will be charged if you do not show up or cancel in time. They are losing money if they don t do so because they have held a room for you which could have been let to someone else.
Most hotels will charge you for the first night plus tax.Some hotels, especially during extremely busy periods, will charge you for the entire stay.And there is a deadline to cancel. If you call at 11:30 the night of the reservation to cancel, you will most likely be charged.
they will always charge you at least the first night, but in some places at certain times of the year i.e. Sydney round New Years you will often get charged your whole stay unless you cancel a minimum of a few weeks out even though they could quite easily fill it at the last minute.
Yes, they will charge you for one night, possibly more if it s during the major holidays.
yesthere is most always a general fee if you don t check in/out or forget to cancel.
They will charge you for the first night.