The stereotype is very there are millions of people who inhabit this place and everyone thinks they own it. Everyone is very upfront about their opinons with little regards to others. Walk over others to get what they want. Are always very obvious about what they want. That s the stereotype...but then again stereotypes are rediculous nothing is that black and white there is always room for grey area. I definetly don t live in an igloo have a pet beaver and drink maple syrup while listening to my radio which is the only technology in town.
New Yorkers like to shove their way onto the subway preventing existing passengers from exiting.They like to pretend they don t see that you re already on line and do the creep up while standing to your side.They ll set their purchases on the counter while you re already paying (guilty).They hate waiting, and expect things to happen in a New York minute outside NYC.Terrible, terrible drivers. Turning the corner must happen IMMEDIATELY even though the light WILL be red.
well ive been there and i loved it lol i plan on moving there for a music careerbut i guess either a thug, gangasta, whatevera wh*reor distnat and cold and self scenters
The f*** you asking this question for? I ouuta bop you in your labanzza ya frekkin jackoff. -something like that.
LOUD!! OBNOXIOUS!! ARROGANT!! RUDE!!(Yea I live in NY too and people in NY are unlike anywhere else I ve been!)
come on, tell the truth Jon... we re all listening! :)^-^i think some are fashion addicts.... which is not necessarily a bad thing lol.
being rude, abnoxious, snoby, and having an accent, like saying orange weird.
don t pronounce their R s garlic---- gaaaaaalic or garbage---- gaabage
not what it was 30 years ago from what you saw on tv.
Punch babies? lol
you guys cant drive for ****! lol =P
Pizza eating jerks.