Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How long will it take to get to las vegas by car from houston texas if we drive non stop? -

any and every possible shortcuts are welcomed....for a car to go through :)... and if you guys no any trains that go to las vegas from houston tell me about them... and what time should we leave in the morning.... to get to las vegas at night? were planning to leave at night on the 25th (christmas) and get there on the 26th at night... without stopping but i doubt we ll go nonstop...i think we ll get a hotel...

hi there ,three routes by car for you on this link,you will be hard pushed to do the trip in the intended time your thinking,at least 36 your cursor over suggested routes on the left hand side,also scroll down for the routes... source=s��fill in the details on this link for your train times and prices..good luck.��regards pops. merry. xmas..

thank you.. Report Abuse