Thursday, February 2, 2006

Cab service in Jacksonville, FL for a new person? -

Which cab service would you recommend for me in Jacksonville? I am completely new toJacksonville.I see some bad reviews about Gator City Taxi Shuttle Services at source=hp um=1 ie=UTF-8 q=jacksonville+cab+service fb=1 gl=us hq=cab+service hnear=jacksonville cid=8002657495567890269 dtab=2 ei=dUskS8vIG8Kztgej5bTqDQ sa=X oi=local_result ct=result resnum=1 ved=0CBIQnQIwAAAt night 10pm I want to go from Greyhound bus terminal which is atJACKSONVILLE GREYHOUND STATION10 N PEARL STJacksonville, FL 32202at 10:15pmtoMotel 6 -#417I-95 at Dunn Avenue, Exit #36010885 Harts RoadJacksonville, FL 32218(904) 757-8600How much would be the approximate fare for cabs and do they accept credit cards? Are they safe for a newtraveler? Any other things, I need to be careful inJacksonville?Can someone please advise?Thanks a lot.

As another mentioned, not the best time of night to be in that area, so keep a close eye on your stuff, especially if there s a lot of it, especially if it s a chilly night...lots of street people hang out there when the weather s bad as late as they can..Been a couple of years since I had to take a cab in Jax, but if I remember right it was something like $1.95 to drop the flag and $0.35 per 1/11th of a mile. Any cab should be safe enough - just make sure it has the city medallion so you know they re licensed.I-95 and Dunn would be out by the airport (maybe 10-12 miles up I-95 from downtown) - you might possibly get a slightly lower rate (not sure if the airport shuttle bus runs that late or not or whether they d drop you off outside the airport.) When I had to take a cab to my home on the Southside from the airport, it cost me nearly $70 plus tip - you d probably going half that far tops, so it should be more like $30-40 (assuming rates haven t changed.)Not so sure about the smaller cab lines, but I imagine all the big ones take plastic...I d just ask when you call for a pickup.

Watch you butt at the bus station its in downtown. Not the best place to be by yourself at 10:15 at night. Not sure how much the fares are now I haven t lived in Jax since 2001. I was stationed there from 1983-2001. I lived on the west side so I am not real familiar with the motel but Dunn Ave and 95 isn t exactly the best part of town either.